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What is Holistic Management?

Holistic Management emerged after many years of work by Zimbabwean natural scientist and wildlife expert Allan Savory to combat desertification, which he sees as the most important problem in the world, especially in his country and the rest of Africa.

Las Pilas, Meksika'da Bütüncül yönetilmiş bir arazide yılların getirdiği sonuç. Kaynak: Allan Savory TED konuşması

In the mid-1970s, Savory's first conclusion was that, in his own words, “what is taught to all grassland and steppe specialists, including myself, in schools is wrong”: In terms of the new "fragility scale" that Savory brought to the definition of terrestrial ecosystems, especially "fragile’’ ecosystems, that is, located in climates where the distribution of atmospheric humidity events (rain, snow, humidity, dew, etc.) throughout the year was uneven, evolved together with herbivorous animals that roamed in herds. The grazing and management of animal herds such as cattle, sheep and goats that replaced the wild herds for thousands of years was one of the most important causes of desertification and soil loss, yes; but the main way of stopping desertification and soil loss and regenerating ecosystems was again animal husbandry, but a very different kind of animal husbandry.


Techniques on subjects such as grazing, "animal and herd effect", recovery periodicity, convalescence processes, created by Allan Savory as a result of his studies in many parts of the world, especially in Africa and North America, took its final form by blending it very important modules such as "decision making framework", "financial planning", "land planning" which also takes into account its dimensions of social, economic, cultural and individual since 1980s. Further than emerging an extremely simple yet powerful decision-making, planning and implementation “algorithm” that can be used not only for livestock but also for any land-based work, operation and project, it can be used in any scale, climate and soil structure, it was a powerful toolbox that made regenerative agriculture possible, economically, ecologically, and socially.

As Anatolian Grasslands, we define Holistic Management as “A whole-planning, implementation and re-planning theme in which a management that creates fertile and productive high efficiency in every sense is implemented by using all kinds of periodic tools and resources that can serve them with the main purposes that the managed whole wants to achieve”.


Although the main usage area of Holistic Management is land-based production/agriculture, and especially animal husbandry; Holistic Management is used with a high level of functionality in many areas from inter-community communication to company/association management in Turkey and around the world.

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